Overview on Community School Parks

People for Parks and the LANLT have joined forces to continue the fight for greenspace equity so that all Angelenos, regardless of race, zip code, or income have access to a safe park or garden..
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘park’? Play? Trees? Recreation? Exercise?
For the Community School Park program, it’s all of these wonderful things and more. Community School Parks (CSPs) are supervised school-site playgrounds that are open to the public on weekends, holidays and during the summer and feature dynamic programming carried out by school staff. CSPs serve as vital points of social connection for families, neighbors and friends. They offer the simple and much needed relief of access to open space, something that is otherwise non-existent in the extremely dense and park-poor communities of color we advocate for through this work. CSPs feature intergenerational programming that is both physically and emotionally enriching. Outcomes associated with the Community School Parks program are expanded access to greenspace, healthier neighborhoods and a more equitable LA for children and families alike.